Here’s How To Make A Decision About Your
Marriage And Start Truly Enjoying Life

Whether you Stay or Go, confidently making a decision about your marriage is the key to stop living on “autopilot” and finally find happiness - with zero regrets.

For Any Midlife Woman Struggling In A Lonely, Disconnected Marriage:

If you’re questioning whether you can recover the feelings you’ve lost for your husband, and you’re serious about putting an end to feeling stuck, lost and alone… this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Most women are living with a perfectly “fine” marriage. At least it looks that way to everyone on the outside… inside the relationship, it just feels lonely.

There’s little-to-no passion or spark. Life feels as if it’s speeding by, and your looming empty-nester days feel daunting instead of exciting.

Deep down, you’re craving a loving and connected relationship to enjoy your next phase of life, but the thought of actually leaving to find that with someone new is paralyzing.

Here's The Good News...

In many cases, with a few minor shifts, it might be possible to turn around your existing relationship and transform it into one that fulfills you and avoids the pain and heartache of divorce...’s also possible to lovingly release your marriage and start fresh with a clear vision for what you want without anger, resentment or regret.

Things CAN be different...and here’s how I know that to be true, even for you and your marriage…

Let’s set aside the fact that I’ve personally helped thousands of women come to clarity for their life and relationships and finally feel happiness and peace they’ve longed for.

Through the process of doing that, one glaring reality became painfully obvious…

Everything they had tried prior to us working together were things they already knew how to try!

Most of which was based on what they saw at home as a child which created an image of what love and marriage “is supposed” to look like.

None of us took the class on creating and sustaining connection over the course of decades together…

Or how to create intimacy...or communicate effectively...or argue productively...right?!

Yet, these are crucial elements to a healthy, fulfilling relationship over the long term

The truth is...up to this point, you haven’t had the proper tools to fix your relationship...if it can be fixed.

So with that said, you don’t have to make any major decisions right now...or anytime soon.

You just need to decide that you’re ready to discover what’s truly possible for your life and your marriage.

My New Book Will Show You

  • The one thing that you don't realize is getting in the way of having the marriage your heart longs for.

  • How to know whether or not your marriage can evolve to a new place where it feels good for BOTH of you.

  • Why you're having the same arguments repeatedly and how to interrupt those painful patterns of engagement.

  • ​How to identify the windows of opportunity inside your marriage and how you - and you alone - can create the change you're wanting.

  • ​The ten cold, hard truths that will completely change the way you see and engage in relationships.

My name is Sharon Pope...

I’m a certified master life coach and I help strong, successful women struggling in lonely, disconnected marriages get the confidence and clarity they need to either fix their marriage OR lovingly release it without regret.


I bought this book yesterday and I can honestly say that it is the BEST relationship book i've ever read.

Sandra M.

Your book has literally transformed my life and me.  Within a week of reading I was transformed from and overthinking, anxious, stressed out mess to a confident, happy, and fearless woman.

Alicia B.

When I read your book, I felt as though you wrote it for me.  I have been living my life in fear and not trusting myself.  I am so thankful for your work.

Karen H

You've Been Asking Yourself the Wrong Question

Most women I encounter are struggling with the BIG question…“Should I stay or go?”

But what they should REALLY be asking themselves is…“How can I start recognizing what my true desires are and honoring myself enough to pursue them?”

Many women feel resigned to a life of catering to everyone else’s wants and needs - their husband, children, coworkers, friends, and extended family.

So when the “empty nest” phase of life comes around, and the noise of children and constant caretaking slows…

We can’t help but notice that our most important relationship has devolved to living like roommates - and after years of suppression, we can’t help but hesitate to take the reins and create the life we REALLY want.

My book is here to change all that.

I will first teach you how to discover what’s truly possible for your relationship…

And then I will walk you through how to CONFIDENTLY make a decision of whether to stay or go in your marriage, without the fear of regret.

Further, you’ll learn how to APPLY these important tools and perspective shifts so you can not only evolve your marriage beyond where it is today, but become empowered to create the life you’ve truly desired.

This Doesn't Require Your Partner To Participate

When I think back to when I was struggling in my own marriage, I remember feeling frustrated that my husband seemed fine with things just being "fine".

He didn't want to work on our relationship because he didn't feel it was necessary. And I've spoken with countless women who have experienced the same thing.

Waiting until BOTH of you are ready to work on your marriage at the same time, in the same manner and with the same degree of consistency....likely means waiting forever. 

So I’ve developed a process that you can use to clearly determine what’s possible, and what isn’t, so you can begin to move out of indecision and find the clarity you’ve been searching for.

When you start going through the process, here’s what will happen.

First, you will discover the confidence and clarity that has likely been absent for quite some time. 

This is crucial for you because it lays the foundation for an unbiased and clear decision that you can trust and you won’t spend years second guessing or regretting.

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You Will Gain The Confidence To Create The Life You’ve Always Secretly Wanted

Regardless of which path you choose, the anger and frustration toward your partner will soften.

You will begin to see your partner in a new way.

And if the clarity you find leads you to leaving this relationship, you will be able to do so without fear for your future AND with compassion for everyone involved so you can lovingly release the marriage and move forward without regret.

Exactly What You're Getting

This is delivered as an eBook

First of all, this is different from any other "relationship" book you’ve ever read. This book is all about YOU.  

It's about helping you so you can come out the other side with clarity, peace, and a far greater potential for happiness.
Plus, this is a simple read.

At 200 pages, you can read it in a day or two.

And you’ll immediately begin to see the path toward the happiness you deserve and have been looking for.

  •  What to do when you have love for him...but aren’t in love with him. Page 22

  • What you should do if “he needs to change” but seems to be fine with mediocrity. Page 15

  • ​The real cause of the shift from wedded bliss to loneliness. Page 19

  • ​The most important thing you need to do now so you don’t remain stuck in indecision. Page 54

  • ​Why it’s CRITICAL you choose wisely with whom you discuss your struggling marriage and why the wrong choice can end a marriage worth saving. Page 199

  • ​The ONE single insight that - if you can wrap your mind around it - will show you why you’re struggling to love your husband. Page 109

  • ​Why up to 74% of marriages are failing right now and what to do about it for your own life so you’re not just another statistic. Page 90

  • ​The single biggest thing that keeps women stuck in indecision and how to overcome it. Page 54

  • ​How to identify what’s not working in the relationship that is actually working for you. Page 35

  • ​How to interrupt the same recurring painful patterns and why nothing ever seems to get resolved. Page 37

  • ​Five specific tips to give your marriage any hope of feeling good again that you can implement in your marriage starting today. Page 40

  • ​How to know if hope actually exists for your struggling marriage or if it is beyond recovery. Page 48

  • ​The very first thing you should do if and when you realize the marriage is over. Page 55

  • ​You have to choose between “happiness” and staying together, right? Wrong! How to pave the path to happiness inside your marriage if that’s what you want. Page 25

  • ​And so much more...

Here's What To Do Next

The investment in your relationship and this book bundle (eBook plus Audiobook) is $9.97, and you’ll receive both versions immediately as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.

(Just in case discretion is needed, the charge on your billing statement will show as "Sharon Pope Book")

You'll be able to access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to lug around a hard copy or wait on the mail.

Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You Too!

This same process has helped hundreds of past clients in all different types of situations and relationships...Parents, no kids, empty-nesters, been together less than a decade...doesn’t matter.

That’s because what you’ll be learning are tools grounded in human psychology and if you don’t know how to navigate around the roadblocks you encounter, you'll find yourself hitting them over and over again.

The cost of this book bundle (eBook + Audiobook) is $9.95...

But how much would it cost NOT to get it?

It depends if you want to measure it in happiness, money or time.

Certainly the happiness you would experience from an evolved relationship with your partner far outweighs this investment.

If we were to measure it financially, the answer is obviously “substantially more” whether we think about the cost of divorce, splitting assets or both.

And whether you think about the time that has already been lost or the countless years ahead of more of the same unfulfilling, lonely days and nights, isn’t it worth taking this small chance that you can create the marriage you’ve always longed for?

So, right about now you might be thinking “this sounds too good to be true” but rest assured…

There is no catch

I've decided to offer this entire book, the eBook and the Audiobook, for $9.95 so you can see for yourself how quickly it will transform your relationships and put an end to the frustration, fear, and maybe even guilt you've been feeling.

I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little book with the hope that you’ll love it, get amazing results and maybe even want to work with me in my membership, The Decision, down the road.

And lastly, even though I’m immediately sending you a copy of the book...


Of course there's a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it’s…

The Most RISK-FREE Guarantee I Could Think Of

I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.95 and let you keep the book anyway.

That's correct. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll refund your $9.95 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

Click the button below to order your copy today so you can discover what’s truly possible for your marriage.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon!

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 200 page book that outlines how to get the clarity you need to recommit to your relationship, or lovingly leave.

The book bundle (eBook + Audiobook) is $9.95.

The charge on your billing statement will only show as "Sharon Pope Book".

I will be walking you through the exact process I've used with thousands of clients from all different situations, backgrounds and ages to find the happiness and confidence they desire.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls from a salesperson.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll refund your $9.95 immediately.

Click below and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

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