It’s Time To Finally Make A Decision About Your Struggling Marriage - And Start Enjoying Your Life

I’ll walk you through every step of this difficult journey to find the confidence, clarity and peace you’ve been missing.

If You're Struggling To Decide If You Should Stay or Go...

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it

From The Desk Of Sharon Pope

Master Life Coach

Saint Petersburg, FL

Dear Friend,

If you’re serious about finally deciding whether to stay or go in your marriage - and following through on that decision - I’m here to help.

But First, A Warning:

Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

I don’t have a "magic wand" that will bring you instant answers without having to do any work.

And I can't promise that your journey won't be uncomfortable, and possibly frightening at times.

But what I can promise is that I will help you discover what YOU truly desire.

And once you do…

From The Desk Of Sharon Pope

Master Life Coach Saint Petersburg, FL

Dear Friend,

If you are struggling to decide if it's worth fighting for your relationship or if it's time to leave, and you're serious about finding that answer...I’m here to help.

But First, A Warning:

Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:

I don’t have a "magic wand" that will bring you instant answers without having to do any work.

And I can't promise you that your journey won't be uncomfortable, and possibly frightening at times.
But what I can promise you is that I will support you in finding YOUR answer.

Most likely you already have your parent’s answer, your close friends’ answers and maybe a few other people, as well.
But the reason you still feel stuck and confused is because…

After a lifetime of prioritizing everyone’s needs over yours, you probably have a very good idea of what your friends, family, and kids want. (Hell, you might even know what they need before they do!)

But now that you’ve been faced with a decision regarding your OWN happiness… you’ve found yourself hopelessly stuck - for years (or maybe even decades) on end.

Because when it comes to your marriage, you can’t lean on what everyone else wants

Only YOUR answer will come bundled in the clarity, confidence, and peace of mind that you can take action on it without any fear of regrets down the road.

So with that said…

If you’re anything like the thousands of women I’ve personally coached, you’re probably feeling alone, stuck, confused, scared, and possibly even guilty.

These are all normal emotions to experience as disconnection and distance take their toll on a relationship.

You’re Staring Reality In The Face… And It’s Scary

It feels like there’s a giant chasm in your relationship between what you’re feeling now… and what you WANT to feel.

You WISH your relationship felt as good as it probably looks from the outside!

Sure, you may have the house, the car, the career, the beautiful family… but with the connection and communication so broken down between you and your partner, you feel more like roommates than life partners.

You’ve been telling yourself you’re “staying together for the kids,” but with every passing day, you grow closer to becoming empty-nesters…

And soon, you’ll be left together, in an empty house with no distractions, for what’s supposed to be the most fun and carefree time of your marriage.

You’re STUCK.

Despite accomplishing a lot in your life and being known as someone who “has it all together”... you’re still struggling inside your marriage.

You’ve diligently tried all of the things - relationship books, courses, even couples counseling - only to find yourself just as stuck and undecided as you were years or even decades ago.

Because when it comes down to it, you really have no idea what YOU want for yourself.

You wonder, “What if staying and trying to fix the marriage ends up being a waste of time, and I get even more hurt along the way?”

“...But what if I leave and eventually regret it?”

“How will I ever make this decision?”

If this sounds familiar… you’re in the right place.

I’m a coach, not a therapist...and it’s my job to help you get UNSTUCK.

It’s my job to help you find YOUR ANSWER...the one you can trust and take action on with 100% confidence and clarity, and zero fear of regret.

Therapy is backwards facing. It looks to explore how you got to where you are.

It does not equip you with the tools to move forward.
If we work together we’ll be focusing on 3 specific things.

1. Where you are now

2. Where you want to be

3. How to get there

And if “clarity” is what you want, this is the most efficient way to get it.

I’ll equip you with new tools to move forward in your life.

Coaching with me will give you the strength to make the changes necessary regardless of your partner’s engagement in the process.

If we end up working together, I’ll be showing you new and different ways to approach your partner so you can actually connect and be heard...and allow the same for him.

Most relationship programs focus only on content, leaving you to actually apply the teachings (the hardest part!) by yourself.

And most therapy, though well-intentioned, is backwards-facing. It looks to explore how you got to where you are, not to equip you with the tools to move forward.

My methods are different.

As a Master Coach, I will walk you through every step of getting unstuck, making a decision, and following through with your decision.

That starts with helping you discover what YOUR ANSWER is… the one you can trust and take action on with 100% confidence and clarity, and zero fear of regret.

If we work together, we’ll be focusing on 3 specific things.

1. Where you are now

2. Where you want to be

3. How to get there

And if “clarity” is what you want, this is the most efficient way to get it.

My coaching will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence you need to take steps toward creating the life you truly desire - with or without your partner’s involvement.

Once you determine what you truly desire for your life, everything will change.

Suddenly, you won’t feel dependent on your marriage to feel safe and happy.

You’ll feel free to make whatever choice brings you the most joy and fulfillment - and that choice will become obvious to you.

And This Is Just Where The Changes Begin!

Whether you decide to stay or go in your marriage, you’ll no longer second-guess yourself over every major life decision.

You’ll feel excited at all the opportunities ahead of you in this new “empty-nester” phase.

After so many years of catering to the needs of everyone around you, you’ll be free to achieve your own dreams, enjoy healthy relationships, and set boundaries that keep your peace through any circumstance.

You’ll feel a renewed energy and zest for life that’s noticeable to everyone around you!

And you’ll actually be better able to serve your friends and family when you’re no longer pouring from an empty cup.

The next step is to fill out an application so I can learn more about you and your situation. It is completely confidential.

After submitting the application, if we're a good fit to work together, you'll be able to schedule a “Truth & Clarity Session” where a member of my team will speak with you directly to make 100% certain working together is the best next right step for you.

Click the button below to get started…

To your clarity and happiness

Copyright 2025  Sharon Pope - All Rights Reserved